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Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia and the National Australian Pharmacy Students’ Association are excited about a new year of closer collaboration The two organisations have out a joint call …

New research has highlighted the importance of increasing the service focus of community pharmacy In this week’s edition of Forefront, Guild national executive director David Quilty reports on research into …

This year’s Pharmacy Barometer has indicated a slight upward trend in pharmacist wages, says UTS Head of Health—but the majority indicate no change UTS Pharmacy has released its 2017 UTS …

AJP chats with Rhonda White about direct supply, why governments must utilise pharmacy more, and why the profession has a very human future Pharmacy legend Rhonda White has received the …

What will community pharmacies look like in Australia in 2025? the Guild is wondering The Guild is addressing a range of questions in its strategic planning project—such as how pharmacies …

What experts predict about the nature of employment in 2030 Just over a week ago, the Productivity Commission released a report of recommendations calling for community pharmacists to be replaced …

Pharmacy students say the Productivity Commission’s report displays its ignorance on pharmacy The National Australian Pharmacy Students’ Association issued a statement in which it says it supports some of the …

New technologies offer a lot to the emerging generation of young pharmacists, writes Shefali Parekh We are well and truly in the digital age, and technology has a lot to …

Self service via facial recognition and an augmented reality app are two ways in which the National Pharmacies chain is steering its services into the future The group has implemented …

South Australian researchers are looking into how companion robots could help reduce the impact of falls Around 80,000 injuries and 1,000 fatalities are caused every year by frail and elderly …

More than 90% of New Zealand pharmacists are worried about disruption to the industry posed by new entrants and deregulation A recent survey by business advisory and accountancy firm BDO …

It’s been a week for official announcements in community pharmacy If you’ve been wondering what to do with your leftover low-dose codeine stock next year when these products are upscheduled, …