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Excitement that a deal to deliver the 8CPA by 1 July was signed on the eve of APP is turning to scepticism  The signing of a heads of agreement for the …

Pharmacy owners are being urged to join the coalition in opposing Labor’s next waves of industrial relations (IR) reforms  Labor’s IR reform agenda will come at a cost for small …

Glucojel jellybeans are set to be deployed by pharmacists as a sweetener for voters to preference Labor last in this weekend’s Dunkley by-election A pallet-load of the Pharmacy-Only Glucojel jellybeans …

CAPS not confident that the Guild and government will reach a fair deal before the next tranche of 60-day dispensing starts  Pharmacy owners are being urged to write to Labor …

Labor’s 60-day dispensing policy is failing to deliver cost-of-living relief, Liberal Party Senator Maria Kovacic claims  The NSW Senator took aim at the government’s effort to deliver cheaper medicines, saying …

National newspaper urges government to reconsider pharmacy ownership rules, as Guild leader warns double dispensing forecasts may be optimistic  The government is being urged to call out “the hypocrisy of …

Labor is set to mirror the Pharmacy Guild of Australia’s advocacy efforts by creating a ‘rapid response team’ to counter attacks on government policy  Labor is looking to match the …

Bill to reduce PBS safety net thresholds from 1 January 2020 has now passed both Houses, but Labor criticises government on medicines costs The National Health Amendment (Safety Net Thresholds) …

In the countdown towards the Federal Election today, it’s been a busy week for politicians and pharmacists… This week, we saw the major parties get in touch with pharmacy stakeholders …

Health stakeholders have paid tribute to Bob Hawke, with the Guild highlighting his key role in universal health care for Australians On Thursday, the former Prime Minister’s wife, Blanche d’Alpuget, …

The ALP has promised to create a “small claims jurisdiction” making it easier to recover lost wages up to $100,000 if it wins this Federal election, says pharmacists’ union Labor …

The Coalition and the Greens have both committed to declaring medicines safety a National Health Priority Area, while Labor says pharmacists’ role in medicines supply is reflected in its national …