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medication errors

The WHO aims to reduce medication errors by 50% worldwide within five years  A new global initiative for error reduction was launched in Brisbane today, as part of a push …

A Sydney pilot study has found pharmacist medication charting significantly reduced errors—a finding that could pave the way for future prescribing A trial of a pharmacist charting service in a …

Changing medicines packaging to have prominent placement of active substances and strengths could help reduce prep time without increasing errors A study published in the BMJ by Norwegian researchers has …

A major trial has reinforced pharmacists’ role in hospital discharges, although some say it is impractical to involve pharmacists 24/7 Published this week in the Medical Journal of Australia, the …

Communication between the pharmacist, prescriber and aged care staff is a high-risk area for medication errors, says Webstercare’s Gerard Stevens On Tuesday AJP looked at a study by Monash University researchers recently …

What can be done to reduce medication errors and inappropriate prescriptions among residents? A systematic review conducted by Monash University researchers and published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics …