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Guild backs NPSA and calls for PBS listing of medicines to be conditional on supply through CSO wholesalers Action is needed to protect Australia’s struggling medicine wholesale section, speakers at …

Calls for supply chain guarantees as another pharma company decides to explore direct distribution to pharmacy The National Pharmaceutical Services Association (NPSA) is calling for the Federal Government to ensure …

Wholesale distribution model could fall over without sensible financial reforms, say industry bosses who dismiss King Review recommendations Recommendations for reform to the wholesale distribution system made by the Review …

Members of the Medicines Partnership of Australia have banded together to raise concerns about the future stability of pharmacy The stakeholders, which include the Guild, PSA, ASMI, Generic and Biosimilar …

Peak bodies have come together to highlight potential problems with King Review suggestions Members of the Medicines Partnership of Australia, the nation’s pharmaceutical supply chain peak body, have expressed concern …

CSO wholesalers say the King Review interim report options ‘lack rigour’, while Medicines Australia has concerns about the impact of potential changes to supply The interim report of the Review …

PSA advocates for early-career pharmacists while NPSA calls for new funding mechanism to support pharmaceutical wholesalers Each organisation put in its submission at the eleventh hour, outlining their recommendations to …

Sigma Pharmaceuticals CEO Mark Hooper has been elected as the new President of the National Pharmaceutical Services Association. He takes over from EBOS CEO Patrick Davies who has served in …