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opioid dependence treatment

Pharmacy practice: The dispensing and administration of long-acting buprenorphine for the treatment of opioid dependence. By Dr Jacinta Johnson, BPharm(Hons) PhD FANZCAP (Edu., Research) FPS FSHP Learning Objectives After completing …

In this short two part video, John Jones, My Community Pharmacy owner from Shortland NSW, discusses his experience of long-acting injectable buprenorphine and how it differs from daily treatments. View …

PBS-funded opioid dependence treatment (ODT) program leaves patients worse off, petition claims  The House of Representatives is being asked to rethink changes to the delivery ODT, and to fund private …

Bureaucrats refute suggestions pharmacies are dropping out of the national opioid dependence treatment (ODT) program  Community pharmacies are looking to join the national methadone Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) despite suggestions …

Pharmacists should prepare for more confusion as Department of Health officials appear to have little insight into the profession’s role  Issues surrounding the transition to the national methadone Pharmaceutical Benefits …

Revamped guidelines for the new national methadone Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) system remain flawed, but will better support patients, a pharmacist believes  Pharmacists will be able to provide patients undergoing …

Could the appointment of a Chief Pharmacist improve relations between the Department of Health and the community pharmacy sector? Bureaucrats behind the new national methadone Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) system …

Patients stressed by misinformation over opioid treatment program changes, Department of Health says   AJP has received this ‘letter to the editor’ from a spokesperson for the Department of Health, seeking …

With only a couple of weeks before it’s due to begin, Angelo Pricolo looks at the national ODT (Opioid Dependence Treatment) Community Pharmacy program… and wonders about the detail Sometimes …

Pharmacists are calling for a delayed rollout of changes to the Opioid Dependence Treatment program, warning of “potentially horrific outcomes” for patients A Budget measure to allow people to access …

Double dispensing will leave many pharmacies shortchanged despite the government’s plans to reinvest savings in the sector  Labor’s 60-day dispensing policy makes sense on paper, but will put community pharmacies …