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oral contraceptive pill

Pharmacists are advised that there is a shortage of oral contraceptive pills containing the combination ethinylestradiol and norethisterone The TGA has advised health professionals and consumers that there is a …

For many young women who take the contraceptive pill and don’t experience any side effects, seeing a doctor to renew your prescription each year is a nuisance, write Bonny Parkinson …

A nationwide cohort study has found contemporary forms of hormonal contraception prevented an estimated 21% of ovarian cancers in young women About 100 million women around the world use hormonal …

Current treatment regimes have high relapse rates and there is a need for more effective alternatives, say GP researchers Recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis (aka “thrush”) is a challenging gynaecological infection that …

Family Planning NSW says the current situation is locking out lower-income women from accessing the right medication Dr Deborah Bateson said last week that choice of oral contraception is limited …