Going down
What impact will the 1 October PBS cuts have on the 20 most commonly prescribed medicines? Pharmacy is gearing up for the 1 October round of PBS price cuts. As …
Savings bonanza
What’s being targeted in the 1 October PBS price cuts? More than 2,000 medicine brands will be reduced in price for non-concessional patients in the 1 October wave of PBS …
Medicines: the state of the nation
Slight drop in pharmacy-based adverse event reports as prescription statistics give a view of Australia’s medicine usage The latest data from the PBS Australian Statistics on Medicine 2015 report, released …
The benefit of buying in bulk
Should pharmacists be offering advice to chronically ill patients to use bulk non-PBS prescriptions? The cost burden of PBS medicines is such that prescribers and pharmacists should consider making chronically …
Labor government calls for PBS listing of Truvada
The Federal government needs to stop delaying and make antiretroviral drugs accessible, it says Victoria’s Minister for Health, Jill Hennessy, this week launched a new pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) study called …
Another $70 million in new medicines listed
The Government has subsidised another $70 million round of new revolutionary medicines that will make treatments for Type 2 diabetes cheaper and more accessible and also help save the lives …
Hep C medicines: too high a price to pay?
One of the key health-related tasks of the re-elected Coalition government will be to ensure a solution to the supply of the expensive new Hepatitis C medicines. The scale of …
Use of warfarin is in decline
But NOACs have contributed to an overall growth in the anticoagulant market Based on the volume of prescriptions, use of novel oral anticoagulants (NOACs) in Australia has grown since their …
Price reduction for combinations
A range of combination medicines are due to experience price cuts in the 1 October round of price disclosure measures. The newly advised cuts will affect combination drugs due to …
Getting the cost down
One quarter of PBS scripts now under co-pay, report reveals More than one quarter of all PBS/RPBS dispenses are now under co-pay prescriptions, a new PBS report reveals. Released on …
The price isn’t right
Statins to experience further price disclosure hit A number of the most commonly used medicines are going to experience additional price drops in the newly released October price disclosure cycle. …
Falling PBS script prices force pharmacies to boost retail revenue
PBS reform is forcing pharmacy operators to boost their retail revenue, a report from IBISWorld, Pharmacies in 2016-7, shows. The report, which warns of troubled times ahead for pharmacy, says …