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Sildenafil downschedule to OTC again proposed, but doctors’ group rejects pharmacy model in submission The TGA’s medicines scheduling committee will consider a proposal for 50mg sildenafil to become available as …

Could well-intentioned recommendations to tighten paracetamol restrictions negatively impact patients? Anthony Tassone argues that they could do just that Recommendations that medicines containing paracetamol be subject to further restrictions, while …

TGA rebuffs Guild on advertising schedule change, while pain relieving agent moves to S2 A manufacturer’s request to allow the advertising of preparations containing astrodrimer sodium has been rejected by …

TGA decides to knock back schedule amendment proposals for oral contraceptives and ibuprofen The TGA scheduling delegate has decided against proposals to adjust the current scheduling arrangements for oral contraceptives, …

Here’s why it’s still too soon, write Stephen Bright, from Edith Cowan University and Martin Williams, from Monash University While the public focus remains on COVID vaccines, the Therapeutic Goods …

Australian research backs the cost effectiveness of Pharmacist-only oral contraceptive rescheduling Down scheduling oral contraceptives to pharmacist-only would prove to be cost-effective, an Australian study claims. In 2015 the TGA …

Guild strives to work for a new model for non-script codeine dispensing as profession takes the fight to pollies’ offices The Pharmacy Guild of Australia says it is working on …

People in eastern Melbourne will now have access to a new program aimed at addressing pharmaceutical misuse Pharmacists will have a key role in helping patients recover from misuse of …

Community pharmacy would be “ideally suited” to dispensing cannabis if the drug were legalised for recreational purposes, says the Sex Party leader Leader of the Australian Sex Party and Victorian …

We take a look at the last week in pharmacy This week, the headlines were all about medicines themselves. Researchers from The George Institute announced findings that NSAIDs aren’t effective …

Will you keep using MedsASSIST now that codeine is to go S4? Just before Christmas last year, the TGA finally made its long-awaited pronouncement on the future of codeine-containing OTCs. …

Could demotivated pharmacists have ultimately caused the codeine upschedule? asks David Paulmert From the first of February 2018, all over-the-counter codeine-containing products will be removed from their current schedule, and …