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rural and remote pharmacy

Pharmacists in rural and remote locations need more financial support and education to service travellers who have diabetes needs, research finds Rural and remote pharmacies are often the first port …

Which pharmacists are more likely to work in rural and remote locations? A new study identifies three demographic factors that predict non-metro practitioners Male pharmacists, older pharmacists and those who …

Smaller rural pharmacies are being smashed by the “triple whammy” of extreme workforce shortages, higher relative workloads and escalating wages, argues advocacy group Community pharmacies in rural and remote areas …

As we get into the swing of 2021, issues around questioning worrying scripts, rural maintenance and the COVID-19 vaccine have come into play this week A pharmacist has been reprimanded …

PSA holds ‘great fears’ about the sustainability of pharmacy services in rural communities, citing workforce maldistribution and inadequate CPA support The PSA has shared fears about the ‘dire situation’ for …

A national ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to delivering pharmacy care discriminates against rural and remote communities, patients and pharmacies, says new group In the lead-up to 7CPA negotiations, Rural Pharmacy Network Australia …

Will pharmacists be looking outside the CPA for remuneration and funding opportunities? This is exactly what the PSA is calling for There is a strong desire among pharmacists in all …

Students from rural and remote locations who are studying pharmacy or are intending to study pharmacy are invited to apply for the Pharmacy Scholarship Scheme for 2019 Supported by the …

Maningrida Pharmacy Service has been honoured with a key Northern Territory health award The Administrator’s Medals in Primary Health Care 2018 were presented at the end of October by Vicki O’Halloran …

The National Rural Health Alliance is developing specialised information for people living in rural and remote areas ahead of the codeine upschedule The resources are aimed at ensuring people living …

Rural doctors have weighed in on the codeine debate, saying they strongly support the TGA’s decision to upschedule The Rural Doctors Association of Australia makes a point of calling for …

What life is like as a pharmacist working in this built-into-the-earth town Coober Pedy is an outback opal mining town in northern South Australia, where the desert climate has temperatures …