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rural pharmacy

Expansion of pharmacists’ scope of practice is fuelling new positions within the profession, recruiter says  Concerns that the introduction of 60-day dispensing would lead to job cuts have not emerged …

Rural pharmacists often struggle to secure relief coverage, despite government funding  Staff recruitment, retention and access to locum services are among the biggest challenges facing rural pharmacies, a study finds.  …

Short-staffed rural community and hospital pharmacies need urgent support, Victoria’s Rural Pharmacy Liaison Officer, Emily Griffin, says  Steps need to be taken to address pharmacy workforce shortages in rural areas …

A regional mayor has pledged to personally take rural pharmacy owners’ concerns about 60-day dispensing to “senior government ministers”, in a bid to have the measure scrapped   Alliance of Western …

Advocacy group urges pharmacy bodies to support the rural pharmacy workforce by pushing for government-funded salary incentives The Rural Pharmacy Network Australia (RPNA) is urging the Pharmacy Guild of Australia …

Small pharmacies – including rural pharmacies – are still having problems obtaining PBS medicines, as advocacy group calls for a drastic change in the medicines supply chain Temporary nationalisation of …

Call for all parties to the 7CPA to give rural issues a priority While frontline pharmacists battle coronavirus panic, the Rural Pharmacy Network Australia is urging all parties to the …

Discount pharmacies are making a ‘mockery’ of the current remuneration arrangements, say leading pharmacists The Small Pharmacies Group (SPG) and Rural Pharmacy Network Australia (RPNA) have hit back at allegations …

The Northern Territory’s only university has scrapped its pharmacy program, leaving the sector in a “tricky position” according to one pharmacy leader Charles Darwin University, the only university in the …

The Rural Pharmacy Network Australia is calling on the National Rural Health Commissioner to recognise the pivotal role that community pharmacies play in rural communities In its response to the …

AJP Editor Chris Brooker interviews NSW Guild President David Heffernan at APP2018. David tells us about the young, fresh new team on the National Council, as well as the key …

David Williams, co-proprietor of Friendlies Pharmacy in Busselton, WA, talks to Miranda at AJP about how the pharmacy adapted its model when it realised the impact large supermarket chains were …