Posts in tag

scope of practice

Pharmacy stakeholders react to the news that Tasmanian premier Jeremy Rockliff has asked the Department of Health to immediately look at extending pharmacists’ role Some potential changes could take place …

One leading doctor writes that politicians won’t admit liability for any “train wreck” due to pharmacist prescribing… while another pens a piece fully supporting expanded pharmacist scope The debate over …

The GP shortage doesn’t justify extending the powers of pharmacists, says a leading doctor as the RACGP attacks Victoria’s announcement on scope of practice The Royal Australian College of General …

Tasmania plots a review of pharmacists’ scope of practice – but it’s getting started on changes in the meantime Jeremy Rockliff, premier of Tasmania and its minister for health, has …

Health Minister supports scope of practice expansion, thanks Guild for its co-payment cut initiative but calls for restraint over further reductions  Federal Health Minister Mark Butler has lauded the work …

Ahead of the Victorian election, Labor pledges to expand the role of community pharmacists, including allowing them to reissue contraceptive scripts The Andrews Labor government has announced that if re-elected, …

The Northern Territory has moved on scope of practice for pharmacists, announcing that it aims to make medicines more accessible Natasha Fyles, chief minister of the Northern Territory, has announced …

More states and territories are considering changes to pharmacists’ scope of practice, as doctors continue to react with fury Following the recent announcement (13 November 2022) that NSW would implement …

Outrage from doctors escalated a notch this week, as another state decided to implement pharmacist scope of practice trials Making news this week was the announcement by NSW premier Dominic …

NSW Health Minister tells GPs to “just relax” and get used to the pharmacy pilots, while Queensland doctors claim disaster in that state The furore over pharmacist prescribing and working …

Federal Health Minister “going off media reports” on pharmacist scope trials, as he is asked why they are not being driven nationally Speaking in Adelaide over the weekend (13 November …

The ACT’s territory-wide Digital Health Record has now gone live in hospitals… while one stakeholder calls for a scope of practice trial “On behalf of the hospital pharmacy sector I …