Posts in tag

scope of practice

A petition calling for the Queensland Government to halt the pharmacy scope of practice trial is nearing 6,000 signatures The petition, started by Queensland GP Dr Stephanie Dawson-Smith, calls on …

With a post-COVID “great retirement” of burned-out health workers likely, projects like the pharmacy full scope of practice trial are vital, says the Shadow Health Minister Shadow Health Minister Mark …

GPs might be against the pharmacist full scope of practice trial, but the pilot is strongly backed by North Queensland patients, new research shows The Pharmacy Guild of Australia, Queensland …

Doctors “trawling through medical records” and publishing patient details as evidence against the pharmacist UTI trial is a new low, says one stakeholder Doctors are once again calling for an …

All eyes were on Queensland this week, as the war heated up between pharmacists keen on full scope of practice and other health groups The Pharmacy Guild‘s Queensland branch accused …

A former pharmacist claims the Queensland “full scope” pilot is “riddled with risks,” as the Guild hits back, saying GPs are being controlling The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners …

NACCHO and Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations in Queensland have added their voices to doctor groups calling to stop the pharmacist “full scope of practice” pilot NACCHO and the Aboriginal …

Doctors are whipping up a “cancer scare” about the Queensland UTI trial, says the Guild, and suggesting the owner group is “wining and dining” politicians over full scope The Australian …

A Canadian academic pharmacy leader is to address APP2022 audience on steps towards pharmacists practising at full scope Canadian academic pharmacy leader, Professor Ross Tsuyuki, is set to address next …

What has to happen before the Pharmacy Guild can argue for increased pay for pharmacists? Does the Guild now own the full scope of practice clinical agenda? Trent Twomey talks …

Another COVID lockdown, issues of full scope and a new chapter in GPs’ attacks on pharmacy made headlines this week With Melbourne in lockdown and more measures in place to …

The Guild has congratulated the re-elected Gutwein Government, noting it has pledged to review scope of practice Patients of community pharmacies across Tasmania will benefit from the re-elected Government’s promises …