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You shouldn’t take your foot off the pedal even if you feel your financial situation is under control, as mistakes can be easily made, says Jonathan Philpot, wealth management expert People …

What are the business implications of the 2017 Federal Budget? Peter Bembrick of HLB Mann Judd explains some key changes  Instant write-off The Government confirmed that the small business instant …

Business stakeholders have welcomed some of the tax measures in the 2017 Budget, but have concerns about others The Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman (ASBFEO) Kate Carnell has …

Victoria’s cut to regional payroll tax will assist jobs and growth, Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman Kate Carnell says Victorian Treasurer, Tim Pallas, announced the payroll tax cut …

Experts have come up with a new suggestion in the fight against obesity: lift petrol taxes The idea is based on a new study from Deakin Health Economics, at the …

Happy Easter! We take a look back at the last week in community pharmacy As we head towards Easter, sector eyes have been looking towards next month’s Federal Budget: there’s …

Guild executive director David Quilty has praised the Turnbull Government’s Enterprise Tax Plan And the Guild is seeking to retain immediate tax deductibility of asset purchases up to $20,000 beyond …

The “highly anticipated” tax cut for small businesses will provide much needed relief for owners, says Kate Carnell An Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman (ASBFEO) report shows the …

Price disclosure, competition cited in unsuccessful bid to reduce Tax Office penalties The owner of a number of pharmacies in NSW who relied on his accountant and staff for tax …

Community pharmacy small businesses stand to benefit from cuts to company and personal income tax, an increased tax discount and instant equipment write-offs contained in tonight’s Budget, says the Guild in a …

Jobs and growth are the key focus of a Budget to which business groups have responded positively. Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman, former pharmacist and beyondblue CEO Kate …

Soft drinks tax hikes in the UK is “absurd” and will not end the global obesity epidemic, says the Australian Beverages Council. Its CEO Geoff Parker says the move is …