What keeps you from thinking digitally?
Making use of your pharmacy’s data is less daunting than it may look, writes Guy Mckenzie It’s hard to turn from what you know. It seems to be when someone …
Health Check: can vitamins supplement a poor diet?
Health Check: can vitamins supplement a poor diet? Tim Crowe, Deakin University Vitamins and minerals are essential for keeping us in good health. While eating a varied diet should give …
Many questions and a lot more answers
The much delayed Review of Pharmacy Remuneration and Regulation Discussion Paper has finally arrived, writes Joe Demarte The paper contains an extensive list of 140 questions on a whole range …
Weekly Dose: penicillin, the mould that saves millions of lives
Weekly Dose: penicillin, the mould that saves millions of lives Sergio Diez Alvarez, University of Newcastle In developed countries, infectious diseases accounted for most deaths until very recently. And in …
Register and win
To access premium content, including our discussion forum, register on AJP.com.au during September for your chance to WIN one of three 12-month subscriptions to eMIMS Each single user annual subscription …
Experts: Nicotine for vaping should be legalised
In Australia, it is currently illegal to possess or use nicotine other than in tobacco or nicotine-replacement products By Colin Mendelsohn, Associate professor, UNSW Australia Forty leading international and Australian academics …
Pharmacist Workloads
At PDL we get the occasional call from pharmacists concerned that their heavy workload could lead to a dispensing error. When questioned on workload recommendations, we refer the caller to …
The secret to great interns
Interns aren’t just a low-priced replacement pharmacist or dispensary tech, writes Elise Apolloni Intern pharmacists are quite possibly the most rewarding part of my job as a community pharmacist and …
Customer engagement – where do I start?
These days, when a customer enters a pharmacy they expect to be greeted by an experience they can’t get anywhere else, says John Koot. If you don’t give them this …
Weekly Dose: Naloxone, how to save a life from opioid overdose
Weekly Dose: Naloxone, how to save a life from opioid overdose Suzanne Nielsen, UNSW Australia and Simon Lenton, Curtin University Naloxone is an opioid antagonist, used as an “antidote” for …
Health Check: what can you eat to help ease ‘morning’ sickness in pregnancy?
Health Check: what can you eat to help ease ‘morning’ sickness in pregnancy? Rebecca Charlotte Reynolds, UNSW Australia Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy is mistakenly known as “morning” sickness. Mistakenly, …
A discussion we need to have
Debate over pharmacist remuneration is welcome, says Guild executive director David Quilty The current debate over the future of the profession is a debate that we had to have – …