The Health Department will hold an Opioids Roundtable meeting on 27 May 2015, in Canberra, to gather stakeholder input and review the PBS restrictions for opioids, as part of the …

Inner North West Melbourne Medicare Local today offered flu vaccinations with a cup of coffee and a couple of biscuits for $12, as it held its second Vaccination Café. The …

Consumers should be concerned by reports that the Commonwealth Government plans to cut $3 billion from the PBS in next month’s federal budget, says the PSA. PSA says such cuts …

The RACGP has released its top five tests, treatments and procedures that should be questioned by GPs and their patients, as part of the launch of Choosing Wisely Australia. Created …

South Australian health minister Jack Snelling has encouraged Australians in his state to be vaccinated against flu, announcing that more than 50 pharmacists in South Australia can administer the flu …

New research has found that a low calorie liquid formula diet may help treat and prevent the onset of Type-2 diabetes. Losing weight and following a restricted diet is already …

A new shingles vaccine has proven almost completely effective in preventing the condition, according to research published in the New England Journal of Medicine. The research shows that the vaccine, …

Pharmacists could administer more vaccines than those currently delivered in the community setting, the final report on Stage One of the QPIP initiative suggests. The QPIP pilot demonstrated that a …

Pharmacy Alliance and the team at Williams Valley Pharmacy in Dungog are focusing on disaster recovery following a deluge of rain that fell in the early hours of Tuesday morning, …

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is requiring Medicines Australia to strengthen its public reporting as a part of authorising edition 18 of its Code of Conduct for five years. …

The age profile of people accessing publicly funded alcohol and other drug treatment agencies is changing, with the proportion of clients aged over 40 increasing, according to statistics released today …

The Efficiency in Health research paper from the Productivity Commission has recommended Australia deregulate pharmacy: reform to the ownership and location rules are inevitable and should be undertaken within the …