Professional Pharmacists Australia believes that the way pharmacy is currently structured is failing young pharmacists and is not fully utilising their skills. This failure is occurring at the same time …

Medicines Australia’s critical analysis of successive Intergenerational Reports (IGR) demonstrates that previous successive IGRs seriously overestimated PBS expenditure as a proportion of GDP, and highlights the pitfalls of ignoring significant …

The NAPSA Congress on the Gold Coast saw more than 350 pharmacy students from 19 universities around Australia meet at Griffith University to find out what’s in their future. The …

Around 80% of Queensland cancer survivors do not receive the care or support they need after treatment, Queensland’s 1000 Survivor Study has found. Cancer Council Queensland has revealed the first …

Female pharmacists in the UK are still being paid less than men – but the gap is narrowing, a UK pharmacy magazine has found. Chemist + Druggist surveyed 398 male …

New research released by Cancer Council on World Cancer Day today (4 Feb) shows that approximately 430,000 more Australian adults are getting sunburned on the weekend than they were four …

The Productivity Commission’s new report on primary and community health has identified avoidable pressure on hospital emergency departments, which highlight scope for Australia’s community pharmacies to help, says the Pharmacy …

Cancer of the liver looms as Australia’s greatest cancer challenge, with new analysis revealing that liver cancer has the highest ‘death-to-incidence ratio’ – indicating shorter average survival – of any …

Ovarian Cancer Australia Ambassadors actor Gary Sweet, rugby league star Cameron Smith, and celebrity Chef Karen Martini have helped launch Chemmart’s MANicure campaign to raise funds for ovarian cancer during …

Women who suffer from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome are at much higher risk of heart disease, diabetes, mental health conditions, reproductive disorder and cancer of the lining of the womb, researchers …

In its pre-Budget submission, Complementary Medicines Australia has recommended the Government reflects the economic and population health contributions made by the complementary medicines industry when considering the upcoming Federal Budget. …

Apotex, supplier of generic pharmaceuticals, has announced the asset purchase of established clinic provider Revive. The purchase of Revive complements the existing Apotex professional services offer and further strengthens the …