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What role can pharmacy play in sports health and physical activity promotion? Chris Brooker investigates In most community pharmacies it’s one of the categories that regularly turns over without being …

Flu vaccine won’t definitely stop you from getting the flu, but it’s more important than you think While the flu vaccine cuts your chance of coming down with influenza, that’s …

It’s a decision that seems likely to split the profession: with low base wages already a significant problem, employee pharmacists are signalling that they may leave for good over cuts …

It’s a land of great natural beauty and historic interest, with a vast range of sights for the visitor. Sheshtyn Paola visited Japan in the autumn of 2016 and gives …

Painkillers like ibuprofen can increase the risk of heart disease and should be restricted Michael Stokes, University of Adelaide and Peter Psaltis, South Australian Health & Medical Research Institute Medications …

Faster access to new drugs doesn’t always mean better treatment Weaker regulatory standards in the US can impact health everywhere. from Narcyz Ghinea, University of Sydney and Wendy Lipworth, …

How to slash half a billion dollars a year from Australia’s drugs bill Jonathan Karnon, University of Adelaide; Laura C Edney, University of Adelaide, and Michael Sorich, Flinders University Australia …

Antifungals: it’s a section of the pharmacy that doesn’t have a lot of glamour, and often doesn’t attract a lot of attention Customers are often embarrassed and prefer to self-select …

Imaging study confirms differences in ADHD brains Alison Poulton, University of Sydney The prestigious journal The Lancet has published a large study identifying differences in the brains of people diagnosed …

Which supplements work? New labels may help separate the wheat from the chaff Ken Harvey, Monash University New proposals from Australia’s drug regulator should give you a better idea if …

Why sitting is not the ‘new smoking’ Emmanuel Stamatakis, University of Sydney Sitting has been branded the “new smoking” for its supposed public health risks, especially for people with sit-down …

When it comes to children’s health pharmacists can not only help alleviate some of the key concerns for parents, they can ensure their pharmacy is a child-friendly space, writes Leanne …