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In Depth

When is a patient not a patient? writes Mouhamad Zoghbi  When trying to maintain sustainable pharmacy profits, it’s clear that reacting to your competitors’ discounting tactics is very expensive. As …

Debbie Rigby takes a look at research news from around the world Statin-associated Side Effects Statins are associated with various statin-associated symptoms (SAS), including statin-associated muscle symptoms (SAMS), diabetes mellitus …

An end-of-financial year overview of the factors impacting the pharmacy business sales market As we reach the end of the 2016 financial year, it is an ideal time to provide …

Personalised medicine has obvious benefits but has anyone thought about the issues? Nola Ries, University of Newcastle and Dianne Nicol, University of Tasmania US Vice President Joe Biden recently launched …

Common cold season is here, and it’s time to brush up on how to treat them, writes Louis Roller The common cold, also known simply as a cold, is a viral infectious disease of …

SHPA opens the door to research opportunities   The inaugural SHPA Research Think Tank held in June 2016 was the first initiative of the SHPA National Translational Research Collaborative (NTRC) …

Should there be MBS funding for professional pharmacist services? asks Manya Angley An estimated 2% to 3% of Australian hospital admissions are medication related, representing 230,000 medication related hospital admissions …

Health Check: how much salt is OK to eat? Kacie Dickinson, Flinders University Australian guidelines recommend limiting salt intake to six grams a day or less. The World Health Organisation …

How much revenue is pharmacy ‘leaving off the table’ asks Glenn Guilfoyle A recent story featured in The Pharmacy Guild of Australia’s Forefront highlighted the revenue “being left on the …

Debbie Rigby presents the latest research news relevant to pharmacy Efficacy, Tolerability, and Dose-Dependent Effects of Opioid Analgesics for Low Back Pain Opioid analgesics are commonly used for low back …

Winter is a good time to counsel people with eczema about a few misconceptions, write Dr Esther Lau and Professor Lisa Nissen The crisp cool weather at the beginning of …

A growing number of pharmacies are installing robotic dispensing systems to optimise prescription fulfilment, improve efficiency and deliver enhanced patient-centred consultations, reports Leanne Philpott According to an international report from …