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In Depth

Debbie Rigby presents the latest research news relevant to pharmacy Association Between Sitagliptin Use and Heart Failure Hospitalization and Related Outcomes in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Previous trial results have …

Getting the right treatment can prevent heart attacks – here’s how Jenny Doust and Paul Glasziou Every year, more than 40,000 Australians die from heart disease. That’s almost a third …

Pharmacists can play a key role in advising on their patients’ CVD risk and how to mitigate it, writes Louis Roller Cardiovascular disease (CVD) continues to have a major effect …

Debbie Rigby wraps up the latest research news relevant to pharmacists… Systematic review of red yeast rice compared with simvastatin in dyslipidaemia Red yeast rice is believed to be a …

Your trash—someone else’s treasure? Not necessarily, write Judith A Singleton, Esther TL Lau and Lisa M Nissen What if we told you the antibiotics your patients threw in the garbage …

People with asthma need a better understanding of the illness, writes Louis Roller Over two million Australians have asthma—about one in 10 adults and about one in nine or 10 …

From the AJP archives: a warning on shonky Parramatta lime juice makers! In February 1898 the AJP editorial thundered that “the public has a right to demand that an article …

Not everyone who takes painkillers for fun is an addict; some have just found a different way to cope Stephen Tomsen, Western Sydney University and Kev Dertadian, UNSW Australia The …

A good pharmacy manager acts as a coach for his or her pharmacy team, writes former Queensland Firebird Karen Brown If you were to ask my team (actually, if you …

Debbie Rigby takes a look at the latest research relevant to pharmacists from around the world Diabetes treatments and risk of amputation, blindness, severe kidney failure, hyperglycaemia, and hypoglycaemia Using …

Is it always best practice to reduce blood pressure? writes Ben Basger The decision to treat someone for hypertension should be based on their cardiovascular risk ─ that is, the …

There’s a lot of negativity in the profession at the moment—so how can pharmacists stay motivated? writes Vanessa Lontos Like many pharmacists, a few weeks ago I returned from four …