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In Depth

Pharmacists need to gain competency in mental health care: whether they’re ready or not, writes Shanae Hancey. Pharmacists are in a unique primary health care position, with the accessibility of …

Some cancer patients place their faith in dietary cures, writes Ben Basger: what role can pharmacists have in helping them make good decisions? Have you been exposed to scared and …

Are pharmacists health professionals, or general retail workers, wonders Dr Geoff March. The Productivity Commission’s draft report into Australia’s Workplace Relations Framework has recommended reducing penalty rates for the retail …

Dementia should not be considered to be an inevitable and normal part of ageing, writes Louis Roller.   “I’m just wandering, I think of things and then they go away …

Many pharmacists are taking Schedule 3 medicines for granted, writes Phil Spyrou… which could end up costing the profession dearly. Pharmacists across Australia are looking to expand the scope of …

Mental health issues are often poorly understood in the community, and pharmacists have a significant role to play on several levels, writes Louis Roller Around one in five people in …

There’s much more to staffing than how little you can pay your pharmacy staff, writes Nick Logan I recently had the pleasure of attending the presentation of the NSW Pharmacy …

One of the biggest problems with stroke is that the general population can’t identify symptoms or risk factors, writes Ben Basger Stroke outcomes are more favourable if symptoms are recognised …

As the role of pharmacists evolves, it’s more important than ever that poor pay rates in the profession are addressed, writes Dr Geoff March Pharmacists are an important part of …

Sometimes men need to be scared into taking action when they present with pain and other symptoms, writes Karalyn Huxhagen Cancer in males can be in many forms, some of …

Excluding pharmacists when their patients are hospitalised or enter other treatment settings causes nothing but trouble, writes Karalyn Huxhagen I recently attended the SHPA Summit in Melbourne and presented in …

Women’s health is a wide-ranging issue, and sometimes it’s all about asking the right questions, writes Karalyn Huxhagen I am a firm believer that pharmacists should undertake training in psychology …