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In Depth

The federal government revealed its plan for 60-day dispensing on 26 April, a watershed moment for community pharmacy. What does it mean? And how can we respond? On the 8th …

Researchers examine the effects of COVID-19-related stock shortages on community pharmacy practice… and warn 60-day dispensing could mean shortages to come This is the fifth in a series of articles …

Debbie Rigby takes a look at the latest in research news Aspirin deprescribing in primary prevention of cardiovascular disease Current evidence and practice guidelines do not recommend aspirin for primary …

Everyone in the community pharmacy sector must take every opportunity to speak out about the double dispensing decision, says John Thornett For 26 years, I have been a Chartered Accountant …

It’s now widely recognised that the gut and human health are intrinsically connected, and that imbalance in the gut microbiota is linked to disease, writes Leanne Philpott Key points  50% …

With their systems containing data relating to the healthcare needs of almost every Australian, community pharmacies are far from immune to the threat of cyber-attacks With major data breaches at …

May 1948: Pharmacists were preparing for the launch of the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme on 1 June, despite ongoing opposition from doctors threatening its success Australia’s pharmacists were gearing up for …

The government appears to have completely changed course in its plans for pharmacists in aged care facilities, says Deborah Hawthorne While the pharmacy world was already reeling regarding the announcement …

Debbie Rigby rounds up the latest in research news Clinical Practice Guidelines for Cannabis and Cannabinoid-Based Medicines in the Management of Chronic Pain and Co-Occurring Conditions These clinical practice guidelines …

Five ways to make your offer more attractive when buying a pharmacy Buying a pharmacy is difficult in any market, but particularly in the current market where pharmacies are selling …

Janet Doyle takes an in-depth look at chronic pain, and the issues affecting people living with it “Educate GPs that I am not after medication just because I am asking …

Angelo Pricolo pays tribute to a fallen colleague, and from tragedy reflects on what pharmacists can learn about minimising travel-related harm  Time stood still when the call came through to …