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In Depth

Capitalisation Rate versus adjustments: what’s more important in a pharmacy business sale? Natalie Sirianni explains the calculations you need to know When I’m selling a pharmacy business, the first question …

Pharmacists play a key role in prescribing, dispensing and counselling around emergency contraception, but there are still barriers to access Emergency contraception (EC) is an important tool in the arsenal …

Debbie Rigby rounds up the latest in research news Provision of a comprehensive medicines review is associated with lower mortality risk for residents of aged care facilities Analysis of RMMRs …

What have been our readers favourite business advice columns for the first half of 2022? Our weekly Business Class columns are always popular among readers seeking the latest advice on …

Australia’s response to COVID in the first 2 years was one of the best in the world. Why do we rank so poorly now? ask Michael Toole and Brendan Crabb …

Debbie Rigby rounds up the latest in research news Cardiopulmonary Consequences of Vaping in Adolescents This scientific statement for the American Heart Association details the harms associated with e-cigarettes, including …

What does organic have to do with digital marketing? Well, just like your tomatoes our social media marketing can sometimes benefit from some extra help to grow, says Renee Giesemann …

RATs for flu exist – should we be self-testing for that too? Flu season has begun uncharacteristically early this year, and so far we’ve seen around 187,000 laboratory-confirmed cases, 1,323 hospitalisations, and …

She’s impatient, wants to fly, dedicated to helping pharmacists achieve their ownership dream and a well-known skiing fanatic: Angelo Pricolo speaks to Natalie Sirianni Natalie Sirianni is a Pharmacy Business …

Debbie Rigby rounds up the latest in research news Effectiveness of Maintenance and Reliever Therapy using inhaled corticosteroid–formoterol in asthmatics Real-world evidence from retrospectively retrieved data show an association between …

The Reserve Bank has increased interest rates in 2022, what impact is this having on the pharmacy real estate market and those looking to buy or sell a pharmacy? Interest …

Getting the lowdown on the new NAPSA president for 2022-23, student challenges and his hopes for the coming year—and fun facts! Flynn Swift has been elected NAPSA’s president for the …