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In Depth

Debbie Rigby takes a look at the latest news in research Pregabalin prescribing risks This article highlights the medico-legal issues associated with prescribing pregabalin and the merging misuse of pregabalin, …

A US pharmacy giant is shifting much of its prescription volume to be filled at automated centres, saying it will free up pharmacists’ time. Is this the future for community …

Should we also be using our rapid antigen test (RAT) to swab our throat, as some social media sources suggest? asks Thea Van De Mortel of Griffith University We’re now …

Debbie Rigby takes a look at the latest news in research Hormonal contraception and mood disorders Hormonal contraception is known to precipitate or perpetuate depression in some patients. The link …

The groundswell of opinion indicates that community pharmacy has an image problem among students  We’ve received a large number of comments on our recent article ‘Why pharmacists are leaving the …

You’re considering getting into ownership, but where do you start. John Thornett has some tips to consider The most common entry point for pharmacists into the world of business ownership …

While cough and cold medicines can be selected off the shelf, a key mistake customers make is believing they are safe in all circumstances The cold is the most widespread …

Angelo Pricolo finds out what motivates and inspires Dr Tim Read, the Victorian Greens Health spokesperson  Dr Tim Read is a Melbourne born GP, aged 60 and is the Greens …

What should an Australian CDC look like? ask Ben Marais, Jocelyne Basseal, Lyn Gilbert, and Tania Sorrell, from the University of Sydney Over the past two years, Australians have become …

Debbie Rigby takes a look at the latest in research news Cannabis-Based Products for Chronic Pain A systematic review of 18 RCTs and 7 cohort studies has concluded that oral …

With many pharmacies currently experiencing a pandemic income ‘high tide’, it’s vital to prepare before the next low tide arrives The bullet proof vest has a chequered history with an …

Pharmacists are becoming more aware of their need for cultural education and awareness, and the work of Johnny Briggs has been a big part of this awakening The AJP’s Chris …