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As a dentist, Alex Park has given a lot of needles to small children. Here are his tips on making the experience easier for everyone From the 10th of January …

Good manners are what holds our society together, but they can be in short supply in some situations says Angelo Pricolo The way we are expected to behave in various …

Debbie Rigby takes a look at the latest in research news Pandora’s box: Paxlovid, prescribing, pharmacists and pandemic This editorial provides practical guidance on identifying and managing drug interactions with …

Does joining a banner group increase your chance of success? And what should you consider before choosing one? We ask the experts Part of the motivation for the formation of …

A health researcher gives the community perspective on medicine provision in flood disasters Writing in academic website The Conversation, Sabrina Pit, Honorary Senior Research Fellow at the University of Sydney, …

Pharmacists can help identify people who may be at risk of developing diabetes, and help in prevention, writes Jala Moushi Contributing to 11% of Australian deaths in 2018, diabetes is …

This new book is a reminder that you’re not alone in the stressed, overwhelmed and burnt-out phase of your pharmacy career, writes Jala Moushi Pharmacist, in charge is a little …

Debbie Rigby rounds up the latest in research news Cluster headache in adults Cluster headache is characterised by attacks of very severe, unilateral headache lasting 15–180 minutes, up to eight …

Here’s a snapshot of some of the key business advice sessions coming up at APP2022 It’s now less than a month till APP2022 kicks off on the Gold Coast. Here’s …

Does astropharmacy have a place in the future of the profession, and what can pharmacy bring to space exploration? While Australian pharmacists are currently spreading their scope of practice further …

Louis Roller takes an in-depth look at a common type of skin cancer Basal cells are one of the three main types of cells of the epidermis of the skin. …

February 1947: there’s moves afoot to form a federal council of state pharmaceutical societies. But will anything happen? There was a push on to form a federal body to unify …