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In Depth

Debbie Rigby rounds up the latest in research news Optimal use of smoking cessation pharmacotherapy The most effective intervention for stopping smoking is a combination of professional counselling and pharmacotherapy. …

There continue to be a number of pitfalls prevalent with pharmacy franchise agreements, says Stephanie McGrath On 26 October 2018, I wrote an article on franchise agreement pitfalls. Over three years …

Their deadly risks need to be weighed against any benefit, write Wasim Awal, Griffith University; Christina Abdel Shaheed and Christopher Maher, University of Sydney Osteoarthritis is one of the leading …

A dismissive attitude towards period pain helps fuel late diagnosis and extended suffering from endometriosis, writes Jala Moushi Endometriosis is highly prevalent with 176 million women worldwide suffering from it, …

Debbie Rigby takes a look at the latest in research news Role of advanced practice pharmacists in general practice Advanced practice pharmacists working in general practice represent the next step …

Is your pharmacy average? Bruce Annabel and Mal Scrymgeour offer their advice on the strategies to differentiate yourself from the average Eight years ago, National Geographic magazine collected statistics on …

Are you trying to make positive changes in your pharmacy? This is the biggest leadership lesson you need right now, writes Chantelle Turner Many moons ago, I held a staff …

 A new study sheds news light on a historical plague, write Adam Izdebski, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History; Alessia Masi, Sapienza University of Rome, and Timothy …

Louis Roller looks at the importance of balancing the body’s fluid input and output levels and why this is crucial to health Fluid balance (fluid homeostasis), describes the balancing of …

February 1972: deteriorating trading conditions lead to calls for a ‘professional fee’ to ensure the future of pharmacies In an AJP article looking at ‘History and the Professional Fee‘, pharmacist …

Debbie Rigby rounds up the latest in research news Chemical analysis of fresh and aged Australian e‐cigarette liquids E‐cigarettes are increasingly popular in Australia; however, this study highlights that Australian …

Pharmacies need to reconsider their marketing plans as we settle into the new year, says John Thornett As we all settle into 2022, it is time to rethink your marketing …