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In Depth

Pharmacists should be aware of the treatment options for ADHD conditions in adults, writes Carlene McMaugh Attention deficit disorders, hyperactivity disorders, and combined attention/hyperactivity disorders in adults may not be …

Are women supported in the profession? A former community pharmacist and primary carer of two kids weighs in By Chantelle Pennington Is pharmacy a woman-friendly profession? The answer depends on …

Pharmacy historian Ralph Tapping casts his mind back to how pharmacy was practised when he first entered the profession A few weeks ago I was asked to give a fifteen …

Debbie Rigby takes a look at the latest in research news Update on Asthma–COPD Overlap Clinical features of asthma and COPD may represent around 25% of patients with COPD and …

The federal government committed substantial funding to aged care in the recent Budget, but questions have been raised over the efficacy of some of its proposals, says Gerard Stevens    …

Experts agree menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) is safe and effective for women with no absolute contraindications—but timing is critical Leading menopause experts have welcomed a UK study that suggests the …

Trends expert Michael McQueen shares his insights into the top three forms of disruption forecast for pharmacy, and info you can access today to keep up to speed  One of …

Debbie Rigby takes a look at the latest in research news A primer on medicinal cannabis safety and potential adverse effects The aim of this review is to discuss the …

A pandemic can bring the upheaval that tips a crisis into a revolution. Bruce Annabel and Mal Scrymgeour discuss whether this is the future for community pharmacy Quite without any …

Meet the team using AI and facial recognition to help community pharmacists say goodbye to paper and laborious processes to make more time for their patients Max Mito, Christopher Durre …

What advice can you offer on maintaining healthy skin or counselling on chronic skin conditions, such as eczema and psoriasis? While you can’t change the weather, you can encourage people …

Ben Basger casts a critical eye on the evidence base for complementary and alternative medicines Multivitamin/mineral and complementary/alternative medicines are used either daily or occasionally by approximately three quarters of …