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More time on the ground

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PSA welcomes Budget measures and calls on the government to invest its projected surplus on pharmacy’s role in health The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) has welcomed the government’s commitment to pharmacy in the 2019-20 Federal Budget handed down on Tuesday night, in particular through the extension of the AHI…
The PSA has called on the Medicare Benefits Schedule Review Taskforce to include pharmacist services on the MBS In its submissions to the taskforce reference groups, the PSA focused on the inclusion of pharmacist services on the MBS to ensure pharmacists are no longer excluded from the rest of the…
Not a zero-sum game: pharmacists should be able to perform medication management activities – whether they come from community pharmacy or elsewhere, says PSA This week AJP covered the topic of integrating non-dispensing pharmacists into aged care facilities. Pharmacist researcher Dr Janet Sluggett told the Royal Commission into Aged Care that non-dispensing…
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