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“I have been tossing around doing my masters / further study for a few years and have decided that my thesis subject could be how many times the dog leaves …

A majority of Australian pharmacists want to leave the profession, a poll suggests. Medicine stands to be a major beneficiary if pharmacists follow through with their threat to leave the …

Savage cuts to pharmacy funding defended by UK Prime Minister, who says money is better spent on GPs and nurses. The severe (6%) funding cuts that causing uproar among UK …

From the AJP archives: a warning on shonky Parramatta lime juice makers! In February 1898 the AJP editorial thundered that “the public has a right to demand that an article …

“An article published in the SHPA journal JPPR this week highlights the valuable and often extreme role of accredited pharmacists conducting HMRs in rural areas. The current cap of 20 …

Pharmacies are facing unprecedented problems supplying new hepatitis C treatments to patients, says Guild executive director David Quilty— and they need to be fixed urgently. In this week’s edition of …

This week’s pharmacy news from around the world UK: Chemist + Druggist reports that the UK’s General Pharmaceutical Council is liaising with the Pharmacists’ Defence Association in regard to information …

Figures from Perth’s Princess Margaret Hospital for Children and compiled by KidSafe have shown that a significant proportion of poisonings are due to self-harm by children aged 14 and over. …

The world’s first pharmacy hackathon saw more than 100 participants and observers scramble to form ideas, create teams and then put together working prototypes of pharmacy-related innovations, all within 36 …

A delegation of Guild members from the Northern Territory and Western Australia visited Canberra this week to advocate for equitable remuneration for the dispensing of chronic disease prescriptions under the …

It appears that life is relatively rosy for American pharmacists, as the profession has been listed close to the top of the 2016 Jobs Rated report. Out of the …

An anonymous poster raises an age old problem in the AJP Discussion Forum: If the owner “refused a sale the buyer would find another pharmacy not using the (MedsAssist) program …