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Kate Carnell has been named as the inaugural Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman. Guild executive director David Quilty has welcomed the appointment and says the Guild congratulates Carnell. …

Pharmacy as an industry needs to acknowledge change and respond – or pre-empt – it with innovation, says Sabrine Elkhodr, pharmacist and founder of PharmHack, the world’s first pharmacy hackathon. …

Gut bacteria play vastly different roles in males and females even when the microbe balance of the gut looks exactly the same, Victoria University researchers have found. A study of …

New figures released by the World Health Organization have revealed that the global rates of childhood obesity could rise from 41 million children affected to 70 million in the next …

Trained New Zealand pharmacists are now able to dispense repeat supplies of oral contraceptives to women who have had them prescribed within the last three years, following a Medicines Classification …

Deakin University health experts are calling on parents to make 2016 an alcohol free year, for their kids. “Parents play a key role in how their kids view alcohol consumption. …

Attempts to rid oneself of hangover and other fatigue symptoms by purchasing IV and other cures from pharmacy are not the answer to the problem, Dr Ken Harvey, Adjunct Associate …

More than 5000 teddy bears were given to sick, disadvantaged and special needs children as part of Chemmart’s support for Variety – the Children’s Charity. Chemmart stores throughout Australia sold …

The gap in health that leads to lower life expectancy and poorer health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people can be tracked from birth and early childhood, according …

The news of an outbreak of the Zika virus in South America is a grim reminder of the health hazards associated with a warming world, Climate and Health Alliance Executive …

Black Dog Institute researchers, in partnership with the Australian National University, University of Sydney, and the University of Virginia, have trialled SHUTi, an online CBT-based insomnia intervention to see if …

Addictions may be described as “ecological or environmental traps” resulting from the human brain’s reaction to products or activities, rather than a disease of individuals, says an addiction expert. Drug, …