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A report into the value that Australians receive from government-subsidised medicines has highlighted the need to address spiralling rates of liver disease by adding breakthrough hepatitis C medicines to the …

Heart Foundation Walking has been hailed as a best practice example for positively impacting the health of Australia’s socioeconomically disadvantaged groups. The debate piece, published in the International Journal of …

Annette Walkerden from Elmwood Pharmacy in Wodonga is one of 40 small business owners from across Australia to be immortalised in a major artwork by Australian artist, Jenny McCracken. The …

Fiona Robertson, a community pharmacist at Swan Hill was presented with the Victorian Pharmacist Medal at the Victorian Pharmacists Dinner. Robertson works full time at the Marraboor Pharmacy where she …

The Australian Self Medication Industry and Complementary Medicines Australia have welcomed the Stage Two Expert Panel report on the regulatory framework for medicines and medical devices. “ASMI supports the majority …

With Sydney facing its hottest November day since 1982 and much of NSW in a heatwave, AMA (NSW) is reminding consumers to stay hydrated and keep cool. “Heatwaves like the …

The second, and final, report from the Independent Review of Medicines and Medical Devices Regulation has been released. It highlights the importance of cutting red tape for the rapidly expanding …

NPS MedicineWise has used Antibiotic Awareness Week (16-22 November) to call for a ‘cultural shift’ in the way antibiotics are used in Australia to combat the serious health issue of …

MSD today announced that its new antibiotic has been registered by the Therapeutic Goods Administration for the treatment of common and problematic gram-negative pathogens.

The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia has welcomed the deferral of a final decision on the possible rescheduling of codeine. PSA National President, Joe Demarte says that the extra time allowed …

With high per capita antibiotics usage, a new study has warned Australia is the “lucky country” and must remain vigilant if it is to maintain current levels of low antibiotic …

The deferment of a final decision on the upscheduling of codeine-containing OTCs is very good news, but stakeholders now need to get moving quickly on the proposed real-time monitoring system …