Integrative medicine ‘health fraud and quackery’
A MJA Perspectives piece criticising integrative medicine has been welcomed by Friends of Science in Medicine, who say integrative medicine is “mixing science-based health professions with pseudoscience based practices”. The …
‘Professional obligation’ for automation: UK chief
“Hub and spoke” dispensing is safer than the traditional pharmacy approach, England’s chief pharmaceutical officer says. The Pharmaceutical Journal reports that Keith Ridge, in giving evidence to the All-Party Pharmacy …
Older women at asthma risk
Middle-aged and older women with asthma are being urged to take action to manage their condition as new data from the ABS highlights that women aged over 55 continue to …
Fast facts on the new Hep C drugs
Professor Lisa Nissen, Debbie Rigby and Chris Campbell’s fast facts on the new Hepatitis C drugs… In Australia it is estimated that more than 230,000 patients were living with chronic …
Hijab-wearing pharmacist stands up to bigot
A New York City pharmacist has stood her ground after being verbally attacked by a customer for wearing hijab. Pix11 reporter Narmeen Choudhury posted on Facebook that family friend and …
Endometriosis funding boost
Marking World Endometriosis Day last Sunday, Victorians are getting $100,000 for new resources. Minister for Health, Jill Hennessy, announced the Victorian government is providing $100,000 to Jean Hailes for Women’s Health …
APP – the story in tweets
What twitter was saying about APP2016 The social media wires were running hot at APP 2016 – the biggest event of the pharmacy year. Here’s a selection of some of …
Is pharmacy a shopping destination?
You must be compared to other retailers, review chief tells pharmacists The federal government’s ongoing review of pharmacy remuneration and regulation must consider community pharmacies as retail outlets, its chairman …
Sitting down on the job harming health: report
Half of workers report that they are sitting often or for all of the time they are at work, prompting Safe Work Australia to urge Australians to reduce their time …
Delistings, shortages looming as discount well runs dry
Pharmacy is set to see more delistings and stock shortages this year as a result of simplified price disclosure, GBMA president Belinda Wood warned over the weekend. Presenting at APP2016, …
Medicines and dementia a key issue
Alzheimer’s Australia and NPS MedicineWise have launched a campaign to educate and empower people living with a diagnosis of dementia—and the people involved in their care—about their rights when it …
Soft drink makers say ‘no’
Soft drinks tax hikes in the UK is “absurd” and will not end the global obesity epidemic, says the Australian Beverages Council. Its CEO Geoff Parker says the move is …