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They can be in insecure locations, they’re prone to user error and there’s the possibility of image degradation and interception – so why is this obsolescent technology “still going strong”? …

Antimicrobial use in Australian hospitals is among the highest rates in the world, a new report has found – and compliance with prescribing guidelines in private hospitals is low The …

Five pharmacies in the country’s capital are now offering some patients a re-supply of the oral contraceptive pill under a scope of practice trial The ACT Government has said in …

Discount chain tops Reader’s Digest poll with Priceline runner-up Chemist Warehouse has topped its category in the decade old Reader’s Digest 2024 Quality Service Awards. The awards, which cover 33 …

Largest pharmaceutical wholesaler tipped to buy vet business to fill earnings hole left by CWH departure Multi-pronged pharmaceutical wholesaler and pharmacy owner EBOS has gone into an ASX trading halt …

FIP launches new fund for international exchange program in memory of the late Dominique Jordan  The International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) has announced the launch of a fund to support the …

Education providers get the green light to apply to have pharmacist prescriber training programs accredited against the Australian Pharmacy Council’s new standards   Following a year-long review, the board of …

Health Minister faces accusations of downplaying the detrimental effects of the government’s 60-day dispensing policy  Double dispensing is failing to deliver cost-of-living savings trumpeted by the government, the Community and …

The PSA foresaw “a true primary healthcare crisis” experienced by pharmacists in 2023, it says in its public annual report The Pharmaceutical Society of Australia has released its 2022-23 annual …

Vengeance not sweet for censured Kiwi pharmacist; Belgian Ozempic weight loss ban; cheating allegations in UK pharmacy exam New Zealand: A pharmacist’s revenge against his former employers over theft accusations …

Chemist Warehouse is wading into the world of clinical trials, using its stores and media assets to help recruit customers into research Virtual research organisation ObvioHealth has partnered with Chemist …

Following a “thorough” recruitment process, a new branch director has been appointed at the Victorian branch of the Pharmacy Guild Guild Victorian branch president Anthony Tassone has announced the appointment …