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A team of bright stars from the University of Auckland has taken out this year’s Pharmacy Guild of Australia National Student Business Plan Competition. The winning team of Akhila Puthigae, …

Fifty per cent of Australians still don’t know the signs of stroke, putting them at serious risk of disability or even death, the Stroke Foundation says. With National Stroke Week …

The Guild has highlighted a range of tools and support available to help pharmacies transform their businesses in a way that will deliver better outcomes for patients, and stronger businesses …

Pharmacists are reminded to complete a compulsory Continuous Professional Development Plan to meet the looming September 30 deadline, PSA warned today. Under new Pharmacy Board of Australia  requirements, every registered …

Abolishing location rules would be ‘stupid policy’, Stephen King argues, but modifications are likely   It would be “extremely surprising” if the Pharmacy Remuneration and Regulation Review panel recommended abolishing …

The Pharmacy Guild of Australia says it did not “throw the wholesalers under the bus” during 6CPA negotiations. Professor Stephen King, chair of the Pharmacy Remuneration and Regulation review panel …

Anyone seriously interested in eHealth and perhaps interested in why effective eHealth seems so elusive, will benefit from this excellent summary discussion from the UK. Lots in here that is …

Failing to do so will lose your business customers, says expert Pharmacy owners are not maximising the design of the work environment, Willach Australia’s managing director John Koot told delegates …

A WA pharmacist has pled guilty in court after attempting to import more than 2000 ice pipes into the country Hoang Nam Nguyen, who owns the Cloud 9 chain of …

A leading heart health stakeholder has welcomed a major review published in The Lancet that conclusively highlights the benefits of using statins outweighs the risks. “The number of lives saved …

The King Review has again been the hot topic of the week in pharmacy, with the final consultative forum being held as a live webcast from Canberra on Wednesday. The …

The King Review Discussion Paper opened a Pandora’s Box of questions about how pharmacy could and should be structured – including looking at the way the Community Pharmacy Agreements are …