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Pharmacy Announcements

PSA has launched a new website for PSA17, which will feature more than 50 presenters including international speakers The theme of the conference will be Leading Pharmacy Innovation. PSA has …

The eleventh National Student Business Plan Competition is now underway – testing the flair and entrepreneurship of students preparing for a career in community pharmacy The Pharmacy Guild of Australia’s …

The PSA has commenced consultation on a revised draft of the Professional Practice Standards PSA says it has undertaken the review to ensure the Standards are consistent with the professional …

PDL are seeing an increase in reports of consumers being given medication which is not their own and intended for another person In 2016, incident reports of this nature comprised …

Pharmacy Practitioner Development Committee updates on revised competency standards, advanced practice pharmacists and pharmacist prescribing As of the PPDC meeting late last year, all PPDC member organisations have now endorsed …

The Guild Pharmacy Academy is now offering a course, entitled Goat’s milk formula course for pharmacy assistants. The course outlines the role that pharmacy assistants have in supporting breastfeeding in …

Rural and remote pharmacies across Australia are being invited to tell the world about their experiences and why they are so passionate about working in rural and remote areas. As …

New opportunity for PhD – Industry Scholarship in pharmacy professional services UTS: Pharmacy in conjunction with Ventura Health is offering a unique opportunity for a pharmacist to become deeply involved …

Australia’s only event focusing on e-prescribing and electronic medication management is to be held in Sydney this year The 6th Annual eMedication Management Conference will take place on 14-15 March …

Happy New Year to PDL members! Pharmacy interns who are currently becoming registered please contact PDL to ensure your professional indemnity insurance cover is up to date and active by …

These are the key dates for AJP Daily over the holiday season  The team at AJP wish you all a safe and happy holiday season and a happy new year! These …

PSS working hard to support pharmacists throughout the festive season  Work pressures in pharmacy over the holiday period can be substantial with the end of the year rush, Boxing Day …