From next week, it will be easier to offer after-school work to high school students, says the Guild The Fair Work Commission has announced changes to the Pharmacy Industry Award …

10 key statistics from the latest Pharmacy Board of Australia quarterly registration data As of 30 June there were 30,360 registered pharmacists 27,544 of these held general registration (plus 1709 …

What’s the most stressful part of your job? Recently, the National Stress and Wellbeing Survey of Pharmacists, Intern Pharmacists and Pharmacy Students found that pharmacists are, overall, a fairly stressed …

A new initiative to boost vaccination rates among aged care workers has been launched amid figures which reveal our worst flu season on record The latest figures from the Immunisation …

Wholesale distribution model could fall over without sensible financial reforms, say industry bosses who dismiss King Review recommendations Recommendations for reform to the wholesale distribution system made by the Review …

Investigation into ‘complex’ pharmacy licence applications set to target franchise agreements Victorian regulators are set to begin stricter investigations into ‘complex’ pharmacy licence applications. In its latest communique, the Victorian …

Outstanding students from the University of Tasmania have taken out this year’s National Student Business Plan Competition The winners, announced at the Pharmacy Connect conference in Sydney over the weekend, …

The Pharmacy Guild and PSA are set to develop CPD-accredited training for pharmacists leading up to codeine upschedule – predicted to impact one million patients in 2018 Health Minister Greg Hunt …

With rising numbers of people hooked on prescription opioids, pharmacists are crucial to flagging overprescribing and reducing dependency harms, says GP A workshop on responding to dependency at the Pharmacy …

One of the doctors under investigation by authorities has agreed to temporarily stop working as a medical practitioner Melbourne GP Dr John Piesse has agreed to an undertaking with AHPRA …

It’s been a high-stakes week in pharmacy, with the lid lifted on pharmacist stress As pharmacies in the US battle to help people affected by Hurricane Harvey, it appears that …

An Irish pharmacist is warning of a new head lice risk factor They’ve been blamed for everything from a growing disconnect with older people to a rise in narcissism and …