A very strange product ad emerges from the past. It could only come from the home of the brave, writes Ralph Tapping With all the political turmoil going on in …

Pharmacy owners have been accused of gaining a $43,000 boost for ‘nothing’ In the latest article on the pharmacy sector from News Corp national health reporter Sue Dunlevy, pharmacists were …

Pharmacists can play a key role in helping incontinence be taken seriously As it gets ready for World Continence Week in June, the Continence Foundation of Australia has highlighted survey …

A record voter turn-out has been achieved for PSA’s 2017 Branch Committee elections PSA has now announced the results of the elections (see below). With 24% of PSA’s eligible members …

The Guild has released the preview program for this year’s Pharmacy Connect The conference, to be held from 1-3 September at the Hilton Sydney, shows an impressive line up of …

A man who attempted to rob a pharmacy but was scared off by pharmacy staff wielding walking sticks has been sentenced Villawood man Rahmi Oygur has been sentenced to a …

Community pharmacies across Australia are being encouraged to review their policies and practices as part of the national Privacy Awareness Week Privacy Awareness Week runs from 15-19 May and this …

Recent findings that NSAIDs increase risk of heart attack have minimal implications, argues ASMI A recent BMJ study found that all non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), including over-the-counter medicines such as …

“There is almost a 100% trend in CPD questions to indicate the INCORRECT option in a group of otherwise correct answers. In years past questioners would make up a bunch …

AHPRA is winding up investigations into five hospital pharmacists and four doctors involved in the SA chemotherapy under-dosing affair – with some facing regulatory action Over a period of six …

Dr Esther Lau and Professor Lisa Nissen explore the daily difficulties faced by people living with arthritis Imagine waking up every day feeling like you have been hit by a …

Five Queensland state government departments have signed up to have their staff vaccinated in pharmacies The Pharmacy Guild of Australia, Queensland branch, announced this week that it had secured agreements …