Let’s talk about sex (with pharmacists), writes Dr Philip Goldstone In Australia, over 66% of women use some form of contraception1. Unfortunately, no form of contraception is 100% effective and …

Doctors’ own biases could keep them suggesting tests and treatments that aren’t worth it The impact of campaigns to reduce low value care in medicine, such as Choosing Wisely Australia …

There are 8 things that family businesses can learn about good governance from big corporates, says Kirsten Stewart Corporate governance expert Robert Tricker once said ‘management is about running the …

Pharmacy’s code of conduct is to be revisited as Board renews warnings over advertising breaches The Pharmacy Board of Australia has started a scheduled review of the existing Pharmacy Code of …

“Refreshing honesty from AMA vice president in this article on Health Care Homes …  “It makes sense that the government would allocate an amount of money that is based on the …

Electronic medication management offers ease of use – but mistakes may slip through if not approached with caution Research has shown that the use of electronic prescribing reduces common medication …

Unwanted, expired and improperly disposed of medicines pose a serious threat to people, animals and the environment. How can pharmacists play an active role in reducing the impacts? How active …

We take a look back at the week in pharmacy Ahead of next week’s Budget, the pharmacy sector has been copping more criticism from a certain News Corp journalist, with …

A large proportion of pharmacists want to own their own pharmacies, but are worried about how they can do so, an AJP poll reveals We asked AJP readers whether they …

Pharmacists providing integrated care in GP clinics have “superpowers” according to an international medical expert Dr Kirsten Meisinger, from Boston’s Cambridge Health Alliance, said pharmacists provide “superpowers” in multidisciplinary teams …

A pharmacist has been disciplined for baking marijuana cookies for a patient JoAnne Andrews of Sydney, Nova Scotia has been suspended by the Nova Scotia College of Pharmacists for 30 …

Louis Roller examines the ways in which pharmacists can help prevent and manage hypertension Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is a long term medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is persistently elevated. …