“Health stakeholders have taken aim at pharmacists in a Four Corners investigation of complementary medicines.” Post a comment. Other current topics in the AJP Discussion Forum include:   Piloting New …

Telling consumers the truth about health risks is no longer enough, say experts Public officials faced with the tough task of communicating risk on contentious issues like vaccination or fluoridation …

What members of the Twitterati had to say about the #4corners story on CMs Pharmacists respond… Surprisingly it was hospital pharmacists who raised the loudest cry against non-evidence-based complementary medicines, pointing …

Well-known cardiologist and author Dr Ross Walker hits back against “attack on complementary medicines” In an article for Healthcare in America, the Sydney-based Dr Walker says of the Four Corners …

Pharmacy needs to engage with, and learn from, its future health professionals, writes Angelo Pricolo It was a privilege to have the opportunity to address the National Australian Pharmacy Students …

Amid a tense week for CMs in Australia, the TGA has called for contributions on reforms to their regulatory framework The Sansom Review made 19 recommendations to improve the regulatory …

ASMI and Complementary Medicines Australia both believe that it’s entirely appropriate for pharmacies to sell CMs Following last night’s 4 Corners episode, Swallowing It, CMA’s Carl Gibson told the AJP …

‘Ice Wars’ message is overblown and unhelpful Nicole Lee, Curtin University Without doubt, crystal methamphetamine, or ice, is capable of causing immense harm. That’s true for many drugs, including alcohol. …

Health stakeholders have taken aim at pharmacists in a Four Corners investigation of complementary medicines Swallowing It, which featured interviews with the King Review chair Professor Stephen King, Chemist Warehouse’s …

“Interesting article about the risk of medical treatment. Not once are pharmacists mentioned, despite having the primary role of ensuring that a prescriber is acting appropriately.” Post a comment. Other …

Debbie Rigby takes a look at the latest in research news Fall risk and anticoagulation for atrial fibrillation in the elderly Guidelines for managing atrial fibrillation recommend systemic anticoagulation for …

A CHOICE study published on Monday reveals what happened after the consumer advocacy group deployed mystery shoppers to the prescription counters of 240 pharmacies across Australia CHOICE commissioned a mystery …