A NSW pharmacy owner and wholesaler has had his registration cancelled after purchasing and supplying counterfeit drugs that left sick children at risk Mr Mina Attia, the owner of Shopsmart Wholesale …

Sussan Ley has stepped aside without pay until investigations into travel claims are completed by the Department of the Prime Minister Senator Arthur Sinodinos has been asked to act as …

“It can be a long and convoluted conversation when a patient informs you that they have a penicillin allergy….” Read the rest of the post and / or post a …

Do you hope to move into a different role, get a raise or leave the profession in 2017? We want to know what your plans are as a pharmacy professional …

The holiday season for pharmacists… as told in 140 characters or less Patients are still coming in and ordering repeat prescriptions even though some had double prescriptions over the holidays …

Following a critical piece in the Australian Financial Review about risk sharing arrangements, the Guild has responded with a firm call for reimbursement Pharmacy Guild president George Tambassis has today …

“Could anyone tell me what the value of the QUM service payment is? Is it based on the number of beds? I can’t seem to find the value on the …

He engaged in unprofessional conduct by dispensing excessive anabolic steroids without question, a tribunal has found The Pharmacy Board of Australia first brought pharmacist Hayden Swan before the Queensland Civil …

Pharmacy students are mostly positive about the future but are hoping for better pay and conditions on entering the workforce The National Australian Pharmacy Students’ Association (NAPSA) has released the …

Poll results reveal overwhelming disagreement regarding the decision, with a small number saying it was a good move Over-the-counter medicines containing codeine will be upscheduled to prescription-only from 1 February …

“The headline from the Daily Mail reads “Health Minister Sussan Ley chartered VIP jet from Canberra to the Gold Coast that cost taxpayers $12,000 for a round trip” At a …

It’s been a huge year in community pharmacy Brexit, the return of the Turnbull Government, the election of Donald Trump and the death of a long list of much-loved celebrities …