We want to know what you think about the decision to upschedule codeine… have your say here Over-the-counter medicines containing codeine will be upscheduled from 1 February 2018, the TGA announced …

AMA warns people to stay out of the heat this weekend People should stay out of the sun, and drink plenty of water as they enjoy the Christmas festivities, with severe …

The Department of Health has hit back at the Guild’s claims of conflict of interest, saying the King Review’s engagement of Deloitte was not inappropriate. But the Guild says the …

“Who’s going to use MedsAssist post Feb 1st?” Post a comment. Other current topics in the AJP Discussion Forum include: Veterans’ MATES – Reviewing the medicine routine – now available. …

Branch announces new president and national councillors who will be starting in the New Year Branch President Paul Sinclair, Acting-Branch President Mark Douglass and Vice-President and National Councillor Denis Leahy …

More than half of pharmacy staff say customers are more likely to be impatient during holidays, with 18% saying they cop abuse Earlier this month, the Shop, Distributive and Allied …

The advice from one pharmacy undergoing the transformation to a service-focused business model is simple: Don’t try to do it yourself. Proprietor of Harden Pharmacy in NSW Mark Douglass speaks …

Be aware but not “unduly alarmed” by increased risk of blood clots linked to combined hormonal contraceptives, says TGA For women using one of the combined hormonal contraceptives currently available …

Retiring PDL CEO honoured by PSA for her groundbreaking career  Marie Ritchie, who steps down this month as CEO of PDL (the owners of AJP), has been recognised by the …

“A light-hearted footnote to end the year. Recent postings in the popular press have been discussing the professional rivalry between GPs and Pharmacists. Who should write sick notes? Who should supply …

It can be hard to find the time to make a commitment to exercise, write Dr Esther Lau and Professor Lisa Nissen After over-stuffing our bellies at Christmas gatherings, we …

We take a look at pharmacy news from around the world Antrim, Northern Ireland: A pharmacist whose dispensing error was linked to the death of a patient has been given …