How well do you know and understand social media? Do you understand its reach and impact? Here’s a list of 10 facts about social media that you need to know  1. …

When a Hunter Valley pharmacy was robbed with a hand-made replica pistol this week, pharmacist in charge Gemma Skelton almost found the situation hard to take seriously. Police were called …

The past financial year has been a period of collaboration, consultation and revision for the Pharmacy Board of Australia, according to information published by AHPRA today in its 2015/16 annual …

Professor Gabrielle Cooper has been elected as Chair of the Capital Health Network Board, ACT’s primary health network, by the Directors of CHN.  Prof Cooper has been a Primary Health …

The Australian Self Medication Industry has restated its support for retaining the current status of over-the-counter codeine-containing analgesics. The statement follows several mainstream media reports over the last 24 hours, …

Western Australian Regional Investigations Unit officers are seeking witnesses to an armed robbery at a pharmacy in Innaloo on Sunday 9 October 2016. Around 8.50am, the man entered the pharmacy …

Skin patches instead of needles: can nanotechnology vaccinate the world? Tristan Clemons, University of Western Australia Who likes getting a needle? I know I definitely don’t. Someone else who doesn’t …

As the world adjusts to the idea of Donald Trump as President-elect of the United States, AJP examines his comments regarding healthcare and drugs Trump has become more conservative as …

“Are there any experts pharmacists out there on sports injury management? Even though we see our sports players with big bags of ice on their injuries and REST has been …

Karalyn Huxhagen takes a look at fungal infections Pharmacists are continually presented with rashes and itchy skin. The rash can be so many different things, but luckily the treatment is …

They are in some parts of the profession, according to the latest UTS Pharmacy Barometer This year’s Barometer initiative run by UTS, QuintilesIMS and Bankwest found the idea of professional services …

The Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia has welcomed Minister for Health Sussan Ley’s comments regarding the implementation of the national plan to tackle antimicrobial resistance ahead of Global Antibiotic …