We take a look at pharmacy news from around the world South-east England: NHS funding to pharmacies is likely to influence greater consolidation in the sector, Chemist + Druggist reports. …

Pathologists weigh in on the debate about a disease many Australians say they are suffering from, but the medical community does not believe exists Researchers and pathologists Peter Collignon, Gary …

As part of Antibiotic Awareness Week, NPS MedicineWise is helping educate Australians about potential side-effects. NPS MedicineWise medical adviser Dr Jeannie Yoo says that as well as adding to the …

The UK is set to roll out a “sore throat test and treat” service, sending consumers to pharmacies to see if they need antibiotics – but not all stakeholders are …

Well-known pharmacist and AJP consultant editor Mark Dunn has won the Tasmanian Pharmacy Lifetime Achievement Award Dunn was honoured at a dinner hosted by the PSA, Pharmacy Guild, SHPA and …

The latest results from the Guild’s Customers Experience Index show that consumers are readily embracing expanding professional services delivered by pharmacists, says Victorian Branch president Anthony Tassone. The Index showed …

High-income nations like Australia have made good reductions in hypertension, but worldwide the problem is bigger than ever, new research shows. The most comprehensive analysis of worldwide trends in blood …

A comprehensive new education program and value-adding resources to support pharmacists working in general practice have been launched by the PSA. PSA National President Joe Demarte says as the single …

New data presented at a cancer conference suggests that more than three in five Australian breast cancer survivors are overweight or obese – and that it’s likely to increase their …

Who are the biggest reporters of adverse events and what does the TGA look for in a report? This month the TGA published its annual report prepared by the Pharmacovigilance …

“Three studies caught my eye over the weekend, largely because they all discuss cardiovascular risks with commonly used medications which we may encounter and be asked our professional opinion.” More… …

How should drugs be spoken about on social media? The FDA has this month launched a study into the pharmaceutical industry’s use of social media to promote medicines, including linking …