Androgen deprivation therapy has shown survival benefit in some patients, but it also has been associated with some adverse health effects and a possible link to neurocognitive dysfunction. A new …

Profession’s numbers continue to soar There are now 29,717 registered pharmacists, according to the latest statistics from the Pharmacy Board of Australia. An ever increasing percentage of the profession are …

A man who robbed a Kingston pharmacy with a knife has had his appeal for a reduced sentence dismissed. Stewart Bartle was sentenced in April 2016 to three years’ imprisonment …

This UK pharmacist presents live television to a global audience in two different languages every morning Bav Heer, a pharmacist from Birmingham in the UK, has spoken to The Pharmaceutical …

Pharmacy saw a stoush between the PSA and the SHPA, and CWH went head-to-head with the Guild over location rules Early in the week, the PSA slammed statements in the …

The Capital Chemist in Wanniassa has won the Promotion, Prevention and Early Intervention award at the ACT Mental Health Week Awards this week. The Award, from the ACT Mental Health …

All general practices would benefit from a pharmacist’s expertise, according to the Royal College of GPs Scotland and Royal Pharmaceutical Society Scotland. The two groups have issued a joint statement …

While more subsidised mental health-related prescriptions are being dispensed in Australia, government spending on these medications has fallen, according to a new report from the Australian Institute of Health and …

Most pharmacists may be aware that there is a current shortage of Clomiphene 75mg, a drug used for anovulatory infertility Due to this shortage, we have seen several reports where …

Here are a few thoughts on optimising lung health, writes Ben Basger We know that cognitive and physical impairment (such as manual dexterity, visual issues and the inspiratory force able …

Research team will be trialling non-dispensing pharmacists embedded within 14 medical centres Principal investigator Dr Chris Freeman, from the University of Queensland’s School of Pharmacy, has launched a new trial to investigate …

Strong support will continue for Advanced Practice Pharmacists to ensure excellence in pharmacist care and deliver better health outcomes, says PSA in reiterating its support for Advanced Practice Pharmacists. This …