The latest recommendations from Australia’s medical experts on the screening, testing and treatment of a range of common health conditions have today been released under the Choosing Wisely Australia initiative. …

Pharmacist and Labor Member for Dobell Emma McBride has used her work at Wyong Hospital and ties with the community to highlight the issues of unemployment, poor infrastructure and social …

The Guild Pharmacy Academy now offers a special course, titled Goat’s Milk Formula, which outlines the important role that pharmacists have in discussing infant feeding issues and supporting breastfeeding in …

Oncology pharmacist Julie Adams has been named 2016 Telstra Western Australian Business Woman of the Year. Adams was recognised for her business, chemo@home, which offers patients the convenience and flexibility …

A lively debate between the PSA and SHPA earlier this week is a good reminder that pharmacy working conditions matter to patient care whatever the setting, says union spokesperson PPA’s Matt …

Weekly Dose: aspirin, the pain and fever reliever that prevents heart attacks, strokes and maybe cancer Andrew Tonkin, Monash University Aspirin is, like ibuprofen and Voltaren (diclofenac), a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory …

The governing body of the Australian Pharmacy Council has ended the National Credentialing of Advanced Practice Pharmacists citing program sustainability issues APC President, Debra Rowett PSM, says while the APC …

How do PBS price cuts resemble the impact of a particularly nasty shave? And how can you minimise the damage? Bruce Annabel & Mal Scrymgeour explain Shaving cuts are a …

A new analysis shows up to £2billion is already spent on GP visits for issues that could be handled by pharmacists As many as 3,000 community pharmacies in the UK …

The accepted view is that women are born with a fixed number of eggs, but a new drug may change everything Early evidence taken from a small study involving cancer patients …

We take a look at pharmacy news from around the world New York, US: A New York pharmacy introduced a 7% “man tax” for one day in a bid to …

Pharmacy Guild of Australia’s Victorian branch president, Anthony Tassone, responds to comments by Dr Evan Ackermann This is the second part of a two-part rebuttal published on the AJP. Read part …