Early evidence from a pilot study being conducted in western Sydney shows positive results Western Sydney’s Primary Health Network (PHN), WentWest, has been collaborating with general practice groups across the …

Location, ownership rules and Guild-government agreements all in the firing line for CHF A major shake-up to pharmacy regulations are needed to move the profession into a more central role …

Reports over questionable bulk medicine sales on the rise, Pharmacy Board warns The Pharmacy Board of Australia has expressed concern about a recent increase in reports of pharmacies participating in …

Pharmacy Guild of Australia’s Victorian branch president, Anthony Tassone, responds to comments by Dr Evan Ackermann This is part one of a two-part rebuttal published on the AJP. Read part two …

A trip around the world gave Elise and Dean Apolloni a new perspective on the future of pharmacy We are the typical holidaying pharmacists! Lucky enough to spend five weeks …

Chemist Warehouse and the Pharmacy Guild of Australia go head-to-head on location rules in their Pharmacy Review submissions Both the giant pharmacy chain and membership organisation commissioned analyses of the …

A TGA review has found medicine labelling is inconsistent regarding the association between non-aspirin NSAIDs and miscarriage The safety review confirmed there is a known association between use of these …

Panadol Osteo pricing statement ambiguous, but not false or misleading: ACCC  The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has concluded its investigation into whether GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) made misleading statements about a …

While it is often said we should drink eight glasses of water a day for our health, new research claims otherwise A comprehensive study led by Monash University has revealed for …

How to contribute in your workplace In light of National Mental Health Week, health practitioners have been reminded of their important role in aiding people who may be experiencing mental health issues. …

Medical and legal experts argue for the decriminalisation of abortion in NSW and Queensland in MJA article Abortion is a criminal offence in both states unless it is deemed to be …

Debbie Rigby rounds up the latest in research news Expectations and responsibilities regarding the sale of complementary medicines in pharmacies: perspectives of consumers and pharmacy support staff One-on-one semi-structured interviews …