PSA advocates for early-career pharmacists while NPSA calls for new funding mechanism to support pharmaceutical wholesalers Each organisation put in its submission at the eleventh hour, outlining their recommendations to …

Study results are of concern owing to widespread use of the drugs, say cardiology experts In a BMJ study based on almost 10 million NSAIDs users across four European countries …

The Pharmacy Guild of Australia has made a series of recommendations to the King Review that it says will sustain local community pharmacies into the 2020s and beyond First of …

“Should there be tighter control of the OTC provision of these drugs? Should they be prescription only? Is the risk starting to outweigh the benefits? What alternatives could we offer …

Debbie Rigby takes a look at the latest in research news Evaluation of the first pharmacist-administered vaccinations in Western Australia This initial evaluation of WA pharmacist vaccination services showed that …

Building the pharmacy of the future? Rob Sztar describes the technology you need to know about We are fortunate to be living through the 3rd Industrial Revolution, otherwise known as …

“My second patient of the day rang the health line at 3am as she was in severe pain. She explained the situation and was asked what pain medicines did she …

Surviving the opposition of the establishment, by Ralph Tapping Eighteenth century German physician Samuel Hahnemann ( 1755-1843 ) first coined the word “homeopathy” ( “homeos” in Greek means “similar” and …

Pharmacy is becoming a highly female-dominated profession… but is its demographic mix reflected in its leadership? Part 2 of our feature looking at women and professional leadership. See Part 1 …

Pharmacy is becoming a highly female-dominated profession… but is its demographic mix reflected in its leadership? According to Pharmacy Board data, more than 60% of Australian pharmacists in 2016 are …

Wrapping up a big week in pharmacy, including the 2016 Innovative Pharmacist of the Year Dr Alison Roberts was named the AstraZeneca 2016 UTS Innovative Pharmacist of the Year for …

AJP chats to the brains behind the University of Sydney graduate vaccination scheme From the first week of December this year, graduates of the university’s Master of Pharmacy degree will …