A NSW dispensary technician has been awarded a Heart Foundation Golden Shoe Award for the walking group organised by her pharmacy Cathy Diamonds, who has been at the Shoal Bay …

Activity trackers do not appear to improve health even with cash incentives, a year-long study has found Regularly using an activity tracker or pedometer does not increase activity levels in …

Irish pharmacist Sarah Chambers has been praised after she administered an EpiPen to a patient presenting with anaphylaxis A 17-year-old girl came to Hickey’s Pharmacy on Grafton Street, Dublin with …

Guild speaks out on CAMS, Priceline criticised and more This week Pharmacy Guild National President George Tambassis appeared alongside the AMA’s South Australian branch president on 891 ABC Adelaide’s morning program, …

The SHPA submission to the King Review has called for substantial change to medicines management and the remuneration of pharmacy services “SHPA consulted widely for the submission,” says SHPA President …

The range of benefits from pharmacist vaccination is huge, and so is the potential, writes Karalyn Huxhagen FIP recently released ‘An overview of current pharmacy impact on immunisation: A global …

An evaluation of the first pharmacist-administered vaccinations in WA has shown positive results for patient and practitioner A team from Curtin University’s School of Pharmacy has evaluated the first run of …

Guild national president George Tambassis defends the sale of complementary medicines and other retail products in pharmacy On Wednesday, Tambassis appeared alongside AMA South Australian branch president Dr Janice Fletcher on …

Explainer: what is conjunctivitis and how did I get it? Jason Yosar, The University of Queensland Conjunctivitis is an eye disease that has been described since antiquity. Ancient Roman oculists, …

There’s no doubt wages for pharmacists have become dismal – to the point where many are considering leaving the profession But what can be done about it? AJP ran a …

API CEO and managing director Stephen Roche is set to step down, to be replaced by Richard Vincent. Vincent is currently API’s general manager of Business Development, Operations and Strategy. …

Australian GPs are receiving genital cosmetic surgery requests from girls as young as 15 A world-first survey exploring GP experiences of cosmetic female genital surgery reveals girls as young as …