The long-awaited pharmacy remuneration and regulation discussion paper has raised a lot of questions about how pharmacy operates, but what will be its answers? The Pharmacy Remuneration and Regulation (King) …

A compounding pharmacy has been criticised for dispensing a withdrawn substance… but is the reproval warranted? Dr Ken Harvey, from Monash University’s School of Public Health, has notified the AJP …

Popping a pill that makes your body think it has exercised could soon be possible, say Deakin University medical scientists.But don’t let your gym membership lapse just yet—at this stage, …

Preliminary findings from 32 cases confirm causality but the true size of the effect will only be available following the full analysis of all 200 cases and 400 controls.The relation …

The Pharmacy Guild acknowledges the significant contribution of Jane Halton AO PSM to the Commonwealth public service over many years, and wishes her well in her new endeavours.Halton announced her …

Australia can streamline the regulation of therapeutic goods by removing duplicative and inefficient processes without undermining the safety and quality of medicines, the GBMA says following the Government’s response to …

All my working life as a pharmacist has been centred around improving patient outcomes with medication. Informally we have all been addressing the issues of polypharmacy and deprescribing for many …

Australians need to be encouraged to make the time for screening programs, writes Karalyn Huxhagen Pink October is a major event to raise the awareness of all cancers that affect …

Tobacco treatment specialist says misleading news stories are confusing the publicAssociate Professor Colin Mendelsohn, a tobacco treatment specialist associated with the School of Public Health at the University of NSW, …

Criticism of the availability of non-evidence-based complementary medicines in pharmacy is emerging as one of several themes in the written submissions to the King Review.To date the Review has received …

Former APPCo board member and ad man passes away Former Australian Pharmaceutical Publishing Company board member, retail advertising guru David Mattingly has passed away.    In the late 1960s, Mattingly …

As community pharmacy expands its professional clinical service role, questions continue to be raised over the absence of national standards for private consultation rooms.Speaking at the recent Pharmacy Connect conference, …