Two-thirds of US pharmacies have embraced social media to keep in touch with their patients, a new survey has found.RxWiki Inc revealed that 65% of community pharmacists use social media: …

Teagan Crawford from Lauderdale Pharmacy has been chosen to represent Tasmania at the National Finals of the 2016 Pharmacy Guild of Australia/GuildSuper Pharmacy Assistant of the Year Award.Pharmacy Guild of …

The Pharmacy Guild of Australia has acknowledged the sad passing of its distinguished and much-loved colleague Ann Dalton. Ann Dalton served the Guild in a range of senior roles for …

If it were possible and I had my time over again, my dream pharmacy would be one where we are paid to counsel on lifestyle choices as per this link. …

Pharmacists “defensive and antagonistic” about gatekeeping codeine, says chronic pain suffererChronic pain sufferer Jackie has been sent home after surgery without pain relief, threatened with police removal and had to …

Who or what is responsible for the decrease in pharmacy wages? We take a look at the issue from all anglesRecently we covered the dissatisfaction that employee pharmacists are expressing …

Using MedsASSIST is “not just about saying ‘no’,” Guild Victorian Branch president Anthony Tassone has reminded pharmacists.“Every day there will be patients presenting to pharmacy that have been declined supply …

Making use of your pharmacy’s data is less daunting than it may look, writes Guy MckenzieIt’s hard to turn from what you know. It seems to be when someone asks …

A Mackay pharmacy assistant got the shock of her life yesterday when one of the snakes in her pharmacy’s confectionery department turned out to be not a jelly snake, but …

Most Australians consider themselves to be in good health, according to the latest two-yearly report card from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare… despite our not-so-healthy habitsAnd these habits …

A Perth pharmacist has praised the composure of his staff after his pharmacy was targeted twice by the same knife-wielding robber.WA police are currently investigating two armed robberies which occurred …

Staff member took off to the rural GP with a spreading face rash. He called in a consultant skin specialist by the name of Doctor Google and prescribed Fucidin. So …