The Guild Pharmacy Academy has launched a new course on rivaroxaban.With the end of the CPD year fast approaching, the Guild Pharmacy Academy has announced another new online course to …

Pharmacists, get your nasal sprays ready…Experts are warning more pollen than usual is set to hit the east coast of Australia.Associate Professor Ed Newbigin from the University of Melbourne, who …

Should pharmacists be offering advice to chronically ill patients to use bulk non-PBS prescriptions?The cost burden of PBS medicines is such that prescribers and pharmacists should consider making chronically ill …

Community pharmacies have the skills, expertise and infrastructure to help ease the burden on GPs which the medical profession believes is a drain on the effective use of doctors’ time …

Pharmacists seeking to have their advancing practice formally recognised can now register for the second round of the National Credentialing program through the Australian Pharmacy Council.APC CEO Bronwyn Clark says …

“Amid serious concerns about its products’ efficacy, complementary medicine giant Swisse will do anything for credibility (Link)”So do any of us refuse to stock this range?Other current topics in the …

Health Minister reveals safety concerns that prompted the changesIn early August, the AJP reported that medicine labels in Australia were to change for the first time in 15 years – …

Debbie Rigby takes a look at the latest research relevant to community pharmacy Comparative efficacy of nonhormonal drugs on menopausal hot flashesNon-hormonal drugs are considered an option for treatment of …

A pharmacy without a pharmacist is just a shop, the president of the UK’s Royal Pharmaceutical Society has told a conferenceAny Amazon-isation of pharmacy would be to the detriment of …

Directors of pharmacy and clinical educators from over 50 hospitals from around Australia were present in Sydney at SHPA’s launch of its Residency Program today.“SHPA today planted the seeds of …

The past five weeks of consultation have been “very busy and enjoyable,” Professor Stephen King has said in a message to stakeholders in the Review of Pharmacy Remuneration and Regulation.Prof …

Australia’s longest-running women’s health study will be adding data about participants’ children to the mixThe Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health (ALSWH) run by researchers from The University of Queensland …